One of the easiest ways to earn money nowadays is through the internet. The web can easily provide us with online jobs, which sometimes yield a greater amount than our regular day job. One of the easiest ways of earning money online is through Paid to Click sites, or PTC. An example of such site is NeoBux wherein you earn an amount buy just clicking on the ads posted. But clicking is just a small part of the whole thing; the most important aspect in this kind of task is to get referrals. Whenever your referrals click on any ad, a certain amount of money goes to you, and as the referrals increase, income also increases proportionately.
There are two types of referrals in Paid to Click websites, direct referrals and rented referrals. If you are already involved in the Paid to Click industry, you should know that having direct referrals is much more profitable than having rented referrals. Here is why. Direct referrals will not expire like rented referrals do, so you do not need to renew them. This means that once you obtain a direct referral, he or she is yours to keep forever and for free! Additionally, direct referrals that you get are newly registered referrals. Unlike rented referrals who could be old members who are already giving up clicking ads, direct referrals have a higher chance to be motivated and become active referrals. This is because they are new to the website, and have yet to discover the benefits of joining a Paid to Click website. So once they knew that they have the potential to earn in Paid to Click websites, they will click constantly on the ads. This simple way of earning money does not involve thinking too much, for today, all you need is the internet, the motivation to click on ads and most importantly, the correct method to get direct referrals.
How to get direct referrals
Getting direct referrals for Paid to Click websites is not as difficult as you think it is, once you know the correct way to do it! About a month ago, I came across a method that got me around 325 direct referrals for NeoBux. And I decided to give the exact method away for free! Get direct referrals for PTC sites now, all you have to do is click here!